curry with electric pot on the wooden table

Sleeping, Reading, and Watching

I couldn’t sleep well so I had two oranges in the midnight. Jan asked me if I need help with something. I was astonished that even he, who is old, would come close to me, who tested positive for Covid-19. I appreciate his hospitality from the bottom of my heart. I read a book about the cult group Aum Shinrikyo. I also watched an old TV program, Shoko Asahara, in discussion with Beat Takeshi via YouTube. I was really impressed because Shoko spoke so well. My corona symptoms are stable. This is not worst illness in my life. I will recover soon. I cooked original curry but it was bad then couldn’t finish it. I didn’t check any messages for jobs.

The original text before the correction

Sleeping, Reading, and Watching I couldn't sleep well so I had two oranges in the midnight. Jan asked me if I need a help something. I astonished him even his old age approached me who is positive for Covid-19. I appreciate his hospitality bottom of my heart. I read a book about cult group Aum Shinrikyo. I also watched an old TV program Shoko Asahara discussed with Beat Takeshi via YouTube. I really impressive because Shokos' talking ability was extremely high. My corona's symptoms were stable. This is not worst illness in my life. I will recover soon. I cooked original curry but it was bad then couldn't finish it. I didn't check any messages for jobs.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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