Return From Himeji
I had a breakfast at the hotel. It was 570 yen. I thought the price was super cheap but the contents were just about the right price. I checked out of the hotel at 10am. I did my daily routines at a bench which placed in the commercial complex. I should try to go sightseeing but I don’t care about such activities. I came back to Hiroshima around 4pm then met a friend. We went to three kinds of bars. We got drunk and said goodbye around 11pm. After I returned to my hometown, I went to Yoshinoya. I had a small gyudon for a late night meal. I fell asleep around 1am.
The original text before the correction
- Return From Himeji I had a breakfast at the hotel. It was 570 yen. I thought the price was super cheap but the contents was just about the right price. I checked out of the hotel at 10am. I did my daily routines at a bench which placed in the commercial complex. I should try to go to sight seeing but I don't care such activities. I came back Hiroshima around 4pm then met a friend. We went to three kind of bars. We got drunk and said good bye around 11pm. After I returned my home town, I went to Yoshinoya. I had a small gyudon for late night meal. I fell asleep around 1am.

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.