Receiving a New Pair of Glasses

I went to the cafe Yamaneko as part of my usual routine. I told the cafe owner that I would be leaving Japan soon. Around 4 pm, I headed downtown in Hiroshima. I visited Optician Tanaka and received my new pair of glasses. It was the first time I had purchased glasses with colored lenses. Afterward, I stopped by the post office to send an invitation card for my solo exhibition to Christel, who lives in the Netherlands. As I was walking along the road, I encountered a traffic accident involving a Mercedes and a large motorcycle. I wondered if anyone had died in the accident. Later, I went to the bar Set-san. I had loved the bar before, but this time it was not as good. Next, I moved on to the station nearest to my home and visited the bar Ajia-tei, where I ate something like an omelet. I fell asleep just before 1 am.

The original text before the correction

Receiving A New Pair Of Glasses I went to the cafe Yamaneko as my routine. I told the cafe owner that I will leave Japan soon. Around 4 pm, I went to downtown in Hiroshima. I visited Optician Tanaka and then I received my new pair of glasses. It was the first time to buy colored lens one. I stopped by a post office to send an invitation card of my solo showcase to Christel who lives in The Netherlands. When I walked a load, I encoutered a trafic accident which was crashed a Mercedes car and big bike. I wondered if someone died by the accident. I went to the bar Set-san. I loved the bar before but this time was not so good. I moved to my nearest station and I visited the bar Ajia-tei. I had an omlett or so. I fell asleep just before 1 am.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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