Private View
I woke up just before 6am. I skipped breakfast but I felt hungry at midday so I had a slice of bread with cheese. I got to know cheese is good for gout recently. I went out to Amsterdam by bus and tram. The scenery was fresh. People look happy. The atmosphere is better than in LA. I visited a house owner who is conducting a ceramic art class at 5pm. He is searching for a tenant. The room which he wants to rent was spacious but he and his wife are strong quirk. This is a pickle. I went to a bar. I had Thai chicken and fried rice with 3 glasses of beer. The cost was 30EUR. I went back to the hotel at 9pm. I fell asleep around midnight.
The original text before the correction
- Private View I woke up just before 6am. I skipped breakfast but I felt hungry around noon so I had a bread with cheese. I have known cheese is good for gout recently. I went out to Amsterdam by bus and tram. The scenery was fresh. People looks happy. The atmosphere is better than in LA. I visited a house owner who is running ceramic art class at 5pm. He is searching for a tenant. The room which he want to rent was spacious but he and his wife are characters. This is a pickle. I went to a bar. I had Thai chicken and fried rice with 3 glass of beer. The cost was 30EUR. I went back a hotel at 9pm. I fell asleep around midnight.

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.