Single man light dinner, like sandwiches, red wine, etc., on the wooden table

Pressed by Work

I naturally woke up before 2am. I finished basic tasks by 9am. I took a nap then I went to a supermarket with garbage. I bought 6 cans of beer for 6 days quarantine period when I go back to Japan. I painted a picture but my client asked me to have a meeting. I got a nice job for money but I wanted to concentrate on art. I tried to build a development environment for Shopify. It was quite complicated but I was able to do that for over an hour. I cooked sauteed spinach and corn and fried white fish. The main dish was sandwiches for dinner. I fell asleep around 9pm.

The original text before the correction

Pressed by Work I was naturally waking up before 2am. I finished basic tasks until 9am. I took a nap then I went to a supermarket with garbages. I bought 6 of canned beer for 6 days quarantine period when I come back to Japan. I painted picture but my client asked me to have a meeting. I got a nice job for money but I wanted to concentrate for art. I tried to build a development environment for Shopify. It was quit complicated but I was able to do that for over an hour. I cooked sauteed spinach and corn and fried white fish. Main dish was sandwiches for dinner. I fell asleep around 9pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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