Piled Up Work
I don’t have any fun stories to write down here, actually. I am just working. I want to escape all the annoying things. I made code for a client’s website and handled outsourcing partners. I quit working after 6 pm and then I started cooking dinner. The menu was stirred sliced potatoes, yoghurt chicken spaghetti, bread, and so forth. I watched US animation and the Naked Director(Zenra Kantoku) via Netflix. I went to bed around 10pm. I checked the investment trust price movement. It is increasing recently. Go on! I want to get FIRE(Financial Independence, Retire Early) as soon as possible. I fell asleep after 11:30pm.
The original text before the correction
- Piled Up Work I don't have any fun stories to write down here actually. I am just working. I want to escape all of annoying thing. I conducted make a code for a client website and handled outsource partners. I quit job after 6 pm and then I started cooking for dinner. The menu were stirred sliced potatoes, yoghurt chicken spaghetti, bread, and so forth. I watched US animation and he Naked Director(Zenra Kantoku) via Netflix. I went to bed a round 10pm. I checked investment trust price movement. It is increasing recently. Go on! I want to be FIRE as soon as possible. I fell asleep after 11:30pm.

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.