Paying Money

I got an invitation to a business meeting from an international company which is located in Shanghai. I could not attend it because the meeting time was in the morning of JST. One of my company’s staff members handled it well. Her English ability is fantastic. In the evening, I went to the bar Stiefel. Before going there, I stopped by an ATM then withdrew cash 60 EUR. I brought and paid it to the bar because my PIN card didn’t work the previous day so they accepted me to pay the next day. I am glad because they rely on me and believe me. I had two glasses of beer but my condition is still poor. I had leftover packed hamburger with stamppot and cold udon noodles for dinner. I fell asleep around 9pm.

The original text before the correction

Paying Money I got the business meeting from an international company which located in Shanghai. I could not attend it because the meeting time is morning of JST. One of my company's staff member handled it well. Her English ability is fantastic. In the evening, I went to the bar Stiefel. Before go there, I stopped by an ATM then withdrew a cash 60 EUR. I brought and paid it to the bar because my PIN card didn't work the previous day so they accepted me to pay next day. I am glad because they rely on me and believe to me. I had two glasses of beer but my condition is still under the weather. I had leftover packed hamburger with stamppot and cold udon noodles for dinner. I fell asleep around 9pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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