Deep fried Mackerel, shredded cabbage and kinpira on the wooden table


It was rainy after sunny days and… endlessly. I had soy pulp with rice and tofu soup for breakfast. Yesterday was really hectic. I gave a lesson, did paid work. A client attacked me saying how his job was going. There are not two mes! Just one! I decided to outsource part of my tasks to a former student. I contacted her via instagram then she accepted my offer. It was the first time I had outsourced work. I hope it will work. The dinner was deep fried horse mackerel. I made a contract document and sent it. I went to bed just after 10 pm because I watched the news about Afghan refugees.

The original text before the correction

Outsourcing It was rainy after sunny and... endlessly. I had soy pulp with rice and tofu soup for breakfast. It was really hectic. I gave a lesson, conducted paid work. A client attacked me that how proceed the task. I'm not two but I'm only one person! I decided to outsource part of my tasks to a former student. I contacted her via instagram then she accepted my offer. It was the first time to have contract of outsourcing. I hope it would work. The dinner was deep fried mackerel. I made contract document and sent it. I went to bed after 10pm because I watched the news about Afghan refugees.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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