Fried rice dumplings and edamame in the US

Normal Day

There was nothing special to write about for my diary. I have scarcely been working on my tasks recently because I will leave my current work in two weeks. I don’t want to contribute to a stupid company anymore. I hate my company and job from the bottom of my heart. Oops, I’ve never met any loving companies. Anyway, I hope such a company goes bankrupt ASAP. I had a small fried rice bowl, shumai, and edamame salad for dinner. I’m sure the restaurant should have written “edamame salad”, but it was just “edamame”. How should I interpret this funny naming? I fell asleep around 10 p.m.

The original text before the correction

Normal Day It was nothing special to write for diary. I scarcely work on my business recently because I will leave my curren work in two weeks. I don't want to contribute to a stupid company anymore. I hate my company and job from my true heart. Oops, I've never met any loving companies, Anyway, I hope such company would bankrupt ASAP. I had small fried rice, shuumai, and edamame salad for dinner. I'm sure the restaurant menu was written "edamame salad" but it was just "edamame". How should I consider this funny naming? I fell asleep around 10 p.m.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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