The dinner under hang clothes in the room

No Energy

I woke up after 10am. I was exhausted completely due to the previous day’s event. I did my daily routines. I shared with Jan some photos that landlords couple is walking with holding their hands. I read books a bit. I didn’t do any meaningful things. Oops, I did only the laundry. Suddenly, I felt a deep loneliness. I wondered if my life will be continue to be dull and uninteresting? I was in my bed for the whole day. I cooked pork steak, sliced salad, instant fried noodles for dinner. I watched a Korean drama called Itaewon Class. I can’t judge whether it is good or not. I fell asleep just after 10pm.

The original text before the correction

No Energy I woke up after 10am. I was exhausted completely due to the previous day event. I did daily routines. I shared with Jan some photos that landlords couple is walking with holding their hands. I read books a bit. I didn't do anything without meaning less things. Oops, I did only the laundry. Suddenly, I felt deep loneliness. I wondered that my life will be continued like such dull and uninteresting? I was in my bed for a whole day. I cooked pork steak, sliced salad, instant fried noodles for dinner. I watched Korean drama Itaewon Class. I can't judge well it is fun or not. I fell asleep just after 10pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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