No Activity
It was a cold day. I had oatmeal with champignon soup powder for brunch. I worked seriously. About one of my outsource partner, her performance has been decreased recently. She used to be efficient but after her childbirth, her behavior has changed. I imagine that she is experiencing postpartum depression. I didn’t go out, not even a step. Eri cooked me spaghetti. We had leftover smoked mackerel also. On a short trip to Utrecht, we saw an unknown sculpture of rabbit. I thought it was created by Barry Flanagan. Eri checked the artist and bingo, I was correct. It made me happy because I was able to show my knowledge. I dropped asleep just after 10pm.
The original text before the correction
- No Activity No Activity It was a cold day. I had oatmeal with champignon soup powder for brunch. I worked seriously. About one of my outsource partner, her performance has been decreased recently. She was efficient but after her childbirth, her behavior has changed. I imagine that if she is postpartum depression. I didn't go out even a step. Eri cooked me spaghetti. We had leftover smoked mackerel also. At a short trip to Utrecht, we saw an unknown sculpture of rabbit. I thought it created by Barry Flanagan. Eri checked the artist then it was bingo. It made me happy because I was able to show my knowledge. I dropped asleep just after 10pm.

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.