New Painting

I finished a bento painting for the first time in a long time. I took photos of it and I prepared canvas for my next bento painting. I started work around 3 or 4pm. I didn’t get any special jobs. My company will be broke sooner or later. In the evening, I went to the bar My Way. I had two glasses of beer and chips. I bought a beer to Ruud. After I got home, I had stir-fried shrimp and bread for dinner. I have been crazy watching a program about philosophies via YouTube. It gave me a lot of new aspects. I fell asleep around 10pm as usual. I don’t have any entertainment these days.

The original text before the correction

New Painting I finished a bento painting for the first time in a long time. I took photos for it and I prepared canvas for next bento painting. I started work around 3 or 4pm. I didn't get any special jobs. My company will be broke down sooner or later. In the evening, I went to the bar My Way. I had two glasses of beer and chips. I treated a beer to Ruud. After I got home, I had stir fried shrimp and bread for dinner. I have been crazy watching a program about philosophies via Youtube. It gave me new aspects very much. I fell asleep around 10pm as usual. I don't have any fun things these days.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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