Dry Kitchen wash basin at the garden

Neutral Friday

I worked at home yesterday as usual. However, there was nothing special. Any good happenings don’t come naturally, we have to get them by ourselves. I cooked tomato spaghetti, meat tofu, and natto wrapped fried tofu for dinner. These made my parents happy but my father only nagged. I fell asleep before 10 p.m. even on a Friday because I had a plan to do something on Saturday. To be honest, I don’t need any holidays. I want to do what I need to do every day.

The original text before the correction

Neutral Friday I worked at home yesterday as usual. However, there were not any special things. Any good happenings doesn't come naturally, we have to get it by ourself. I cooked tomato spaghetti, meat tofu, and natto including fried tofu for dinner. These made parents happy but my father did only nagging. I fell asleep before 10 p.m. even Friday because I had a plan to do thing on Saturday. To be honest, I don't need any holidays. I want to do every day constantly what I need to do.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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