My Sister Is Coming To Stay
I asked an accountant about the liquidation procedure for my company. I wanted to get advice just through text but he asked me to have a Zoom meeting. It was annoying. Why do some people want to have meetings frequently? Such a behavior is out of date. I prepared a base for a new painting and I went to a public bath at 4pm. It was packed due to it being a holiday. After I came back home, my sister and her kids were coming to stay. The dinner was croquettes, which my mom cooked. My sister told us many funny stories from her working place, Starbucks. We were in a good mood to talk. I fell asleep around midnight.
The original text before the correction
- My Sister Is Coming To Stay I asked an account on procedure of liquidation for my company. I wanted to get advice by just texts but he asked me to have a Zoom meeting. It was annoying. Why some people want to have meeting frequently? Such a behavior is out of date. I prepared a base for a new painting and I went to a public bath at 4pm. It was packed due to a consecutive holidays. After I came back home, my sister and her kids were coming to stay. The dinner was croquette which my mom cooked. My sister told us many funny stories at the working place, Starbucks. We were in a good mood to talk. I fell asleep around midnight.

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.