My Dutch landlords Visit Us

It was my very first time welcoming foreign people to my family. My parents were very nervous. Jan and Janine arrived at my house around 4pm. They came from Kyoto to Hiroshima in a Daihatsu rental car. Jan stayed in Kyoto for two months and Janine was there for a month. My sister’s family came and then we had a dinner, Hiroshima style okonomiyaki (Japanese pizza). My family members cannot speak English, so I had to be a translator. My brain is hot and completely tired, but I am relieved everyone enjoyed the valuable time. It was a very fresh and weird experience. I fell asleep just after 10pm.

The original text before the correction

My Dutch landlords Visit Us It was very first time to welcoming foreign people to my family. My parents were very nervous. Jan and Janine arrived my house around 4pm. They came from Kyoto to Hiroshima by a Daihatsu rental car. Jan stayed Kyoto two month and Janine also there for a month. My sisters family came and then we had a dinner, Hiroshima style okonomiyaki (Japanese pizza). My family member can not speak English so I had to be a translater. My brain is heated up and completely tired but I relieved everyone enjoyed the valuable time. It was a very fresh and weird experience. I fell asleep just after 10pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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