My Birthday

I turned 41 years old. I wasn’t able to imagine what I am doing and where I am. I had diarrhea for some reason. I got an idea of a new art work. It must be great so I started the project at once. I wrote the text on the ground for testing. It looked nice. I went to stores, then got disposable spoons, forks, and knives. I visited a bar. I had 2 glasses of beer and bitterballen. On the way to the hotel, I lost the way. I had steak tartare at the cafe in the hotel, but the dish was different from what I imaged. I also had fries, but I couldn’t finish them, so I brought them back to my room. I had instant noodles, too. I fell asleep around 11pm.

The original text before the correction

My birth day I became 41 years old. I wasn't able to imagine what I am doing and where I am. I had diarrhea for some reason. I got an idea of a new art work. It must be great so I started the project at once. I wrote the text on the ground for testing. The looks was nice. I went to stores then got disposable spoon, fork, and knife. I visited a bar. I had 2 glasses of beer and bitterballen. On the way to the hotel, I lost the way. I had steak tartare at the hotel's cafe but the cuisine is different from my image. I had fries also but i couldn't finish them so I brought back to my room. I had instant noodles, too. I fell asleep around 11pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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