no shower

My Art is Good

I published four Bento painting series on Twitter. I didn’t know why the post got such a good reputation. I worked a lot. I made business documents for sales. Around 3pm, Jan called me from downstairs. He confirmed with me to shut our house’s electricity for a few minutes but it was long and lasted for 2 to 3 hours. Before 5pm, I went to the bar My Way. There is a new bartender who was too young and sexual for me. Furthermore, there was a dog. I was not able to relax. I hate dogs. I had simmered beef with veggies and bread. I dropped asleep around 9pm because I had meetings the next morning.

The original text before the correction

My Art is Good I published four Bento paintings series on Twitter. I didn't know why the post was got such a good reputation. I worked a lot. I made business documents for sales. Around 3pm, Jan called me from downstairs. He confirmed me to shut our house's electricity for few minutes but it was long 2 to 3 hours. Before 5pm, I went to the bar My Way. There is a new bartender who was too young and sexual for me. Further more, there was a dog. I was not able to relax. I hate dogs. I had simmered beef with veggies and bread. I dropped asleep around 9pm because I had meetings next morning.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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