A chair on the roadside in California

My ambitious behavior

I published an application for the big art competition in Japan. Normally, people don’t show their plan to the public but, I did. Furthermore, I did it before the due date. I got only one comment about it and it was that my plan is not so good. I was disappointed because it was my best plan at that moment. Honestly speaking, I didn’t want to paint anymore at that moment, I had no choice. I had a Mexican white fish plate for dinner. It was $11 with a $4 discount.

The original text before the correction

My ambitious behavior I published an application for the big art competition in Japan. Normally, people don't show their plan to the public but, I did. Furthermore, I did it before coming the due date of the end of reception period. I got only one reputation about it he said your plan is not so good. I disappointed but it was my best plan for now because I don't want to do painting anymore for now so, I have not choice. I had Mexican white fish plate for dinner. It was $11 with a $4 discount.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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