Mingling Night

I had sent an estimate to a future client previous day. I had made the price quite high but they approved it. Furthermore, he transferred the money quickly like crazy. I went to the bar Stiefel. I bought a coffee to a bartender and then she also bought me a beer. When I was drinking it, I met Polish brothers with whom I talked before. The elder brother had mental disorder but younger one seemed also strange a bit. He gave me a cigarette so I started to smoke it after he did. I realized that the bar’s busiest time is night. I hadn’t known that because I had visited the bar around 4pm normally. I left there around 9pm. I had sauteed potato, packed mushroom soup with leftover spaghetti, ramen noodles for dinner. I fell asleep around 11:30pm.

The original text before the correction

Mingling Night I sent an estimate to the future client previous day. I made it quite high price but they approved. Furthermore, he transferred the money crazy quickly. I went to the bar Stiefel. I treated a coffee to a bartender and then she also treated me a beer. When I had it, I met Polish brother who I talked them before. The elder brother has mental disorder but younger one seemed also strange a bit. He gave me a cigarette so I followed him to smoke. I recognized that the bar's busiest time is night. I didn't know that because I visited the bar around 4pm normally. I left there around 9pm. I had sauteed potato, packed mushroom soup with leftover spaghetti, ramen noodles for dinner. I fell asleep around 11:30pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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