Meeting With A Dutch Artist

I went to Amsterdam with Eri around 3 pm. We walked to ARTI ET AMICITIAE. We met Henri, a Dutch artist. We talked about plans for a group show. We need to find 10 to 15 good artists. It was not an easy project. We said goodbye just before 5 pm. Eri and I visited the bar Het Lagerhuys, which is my favorite bar in Amsterdam. Then, we moved to another bar, Cafe The Flying Dutchman. There, we met an unusual woman. She was laughing and talking to everyone endlessly. The bartender showed me his mobile phone, which displayed the text “She is out of her mind.” in Google Translate. We laughed a lot. I asked an older female bartender if she remembered my face. Astonishingly, in the past year or so, she had lost her eyesight, which meant she had become blind. I was sorry to hear that. I ate a hamburger inside Amsterdam Station. After coming back home, I cooked spaghetti for dinner. I went to bed around 11 pm.

The original text before the correction

Meeting With A Dutch Artist I went to Amsterdam with Eri around 3 pm. We walked to ARTI ET AMICITIAE. We met Henri who is a Dutch artist. We talked about plan for a group show. We have to find 10 to 15 good artists. It was not easy project. We said good bye just before 5 pm. Eri and I visited the bar Het Lagerhuys. This is my favorite bar in Amsterdam. We moved to another bar, Cafe The Flying Dutchman. We met abnormal woman. She is laughing and talk to anyone endlessly. The bartender showed me his mobile phone. It shows "She is out of her mind." with google translation. We laughed a lot. I asked a female elder bartender if she remember my face. Astonishingly, past a year or so, she lost her eye sight, which mean she became blind person. I was sorry to hear that. I ate hamburger inside the Amsterdam station. After came back home, I cooked spaghetti for dinner. I went to bed around 11 pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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