Meeting New People

These days, my health condition has been terrible. I have felt extremely sluggish. I want to die. In the afternoon, I went to a cafe, but I only had water because I wear braces on my teeth. The cafe closes at 5 pm, so I moved to Stiefel. I met a man who works at a second-hand shop. He said he loves simple work. On the contrary, he has extensive knowledge of literature, movies, and music. I was astonished that he mentioned Junichiro Tanizaki, Kaneto Shindo, and “A Man Vanishes”(Ningen Johatsu). I had three glasses of beer and French fries. I cooked stir-fried spinach with sausage, microwaved grilled mackerel, and so forth. I went to bed before 11 pm.

The original text before the correction

Meeting New People These days, my health condition is terrible. I felt extremly sluggish. I want to die. In the afternoon, I went to cafe but I just had water because I wear my teeth bracing. The cafe closes at 5 pm so I moved to Stiefel. I met a man who works at a second hand shop. He said he loves simple work. On the contrary, he has wide knowkledge about literature, movies, and music. I astonished that he mentioned about Junichiro Tanizaki, Kaneto Shindo, and "A Man Vanishes". I had three glasses of beer and French fries. I cooked stir-fried spinach with sausage and microwaved grilled mackerel and so forth. I went to bed before 11 pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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