Dirty dishes at mini kitchen

Making Art

I had a cup of Karnemelk in the morning. I thought Karnemelk was just milk, but it means buttermilk in Dutch. I did my daily routine as normal. I haven’t had motivation to paint pictures recently, but I have to do that. I made a questionnaire for new art. The progress reached 90%. I will finish the task this week at least. I cooked an assorted dinner. There was smoked mackerel, fried egg, stirred veggie with pork, and so forth. I went to bed around 10pm but I watched a drama on Netflix. I felt a deep loneliness. I have been considering like, is my life okay? will my business going well?

The original text before the correction

Making Art I had a cup of Karnemelk in the morning. I thought Karnemelk was just milk but it means buttermilk in Dutch. I did daily routines as normal. I don't have motivation to paint pictures recently but I have to do that. I made questionnaire for new art. The progress was reached 90%. I will finish the task this week at least. I cooked assorted dinner. There were smoked mackerel, fried egg, stirred veggie with pork and so forth. I went to bed around 10pm but I watched drama via Netflix. I felt deep loneliness. I have been considering like, is my life okay? will my business going well?
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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