Love Udon and Soba Noodles

I had two business meetings. They were in a good mood. The clients did not have any specific request, but I think they are potential clients. I did the laundry. I updated the English version of my artist portfolio. I visited the bar My Way. I had two glasses of beer and two bowls of bitterballen but the bill came less than 10 EUR. What a nice bar it is. I don’t want to stand out in this village but there are not many Asian people here, so I did. I had two bundles of soba noodles for dinner. I added coriander to change the taste and it tasted like an Asian food. I watched skits on YouTube. I went to bed around 9pm.

The original text before the correction

Love Udon and Soba Noodles I had two business meeting. Those were good mood but they don't have any concrete request right now. However, they would be good potential clients. I did the laundry. I updated my artist portfolio in English version. I visited the bar My Way. I had two glasses of beer and two bitterballen but the bill came less than 10 EUR. What a nice bar it is. I don't want to stand up in this village but here, Asian is minor race so I couldn't. I had soba noodles for two portion for dinner. I changed the taste with coriander. It made the taste like Asian food. I watched the skit via YouTube. I went to bed around 9pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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