Mixed Garbage bin in Los Angeles California

Leaving The Office

Due to starting remote work at my home, I brought back to my desktop from there yesterday. Mr. Matono who is a coworker picked me up in his car this morning and evening, too. Therefore, I was able to save my money to use taxi. My desktop was quite heavy. I had Middle Eastern food for dinner through GrubHub. The restaurant is always providing a $7 discount in case the customer ordered over $20. The masks that I ordered through Amazon have not arrived yet. The seller said ‘due to high demand, I am so so so sorry.”

The original text before the correction

Leaving The Office Due to start remote work at my home, I brought back to my desktop from there yesterday. Mr. Matono who is coworker picked me up by his car at morning and evening, too. Therefore, I was able to save my money to use taxi. My desktop was quite heavy. I had Middle Eastern food for dinner through grubhub. The restraunt is always providing a $7 discount in case the customer ordered over $20. The masks that I ordered through amazon was not arrived yet. The seller said 'due to high demand, I am so so so sorry."
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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