Inside My House
I woke up around 5am. I checked messages from my team staff then I found the need to help the regular task. I followed them up. I painted for an hour and I stopped work after 5pm. I was going to go to a bar because I said “Let’s meet tomorrow again” to the black man who I met on the previous evening. However, I didn’t have such a feeling, so I watered plants instead. In the end, The day ended while I was staying in my house area. I cooked a shimmered chicken leg with tofu and a whole onion. I read a paper book about suicide. It is philosophical. I put some noodles into leftover chicken soup. I fell asleep after 9pm.
The original text before the correction
- Inside My House I woke up around 5am. I checked messages from my team staff then I found the need to help for the regular task. I followed up to them. I painted for an hour and I stopped work after 5pm. I was going to go to a bar because I taught "Let's meet us tomorrow again" to a black man who I met previous evening. However, I was not such feeling so I watered plants instead. In the end, the day had been ended inside my house area. I cooked simmered chicken leg with tofu and a whole onion. I read a paper book about suicide. It is philosophical. I put in noodles to leftover chicken soup. I fell asleep after 9pm.

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.