Asada plate Mexican dish

Insane Woman

After work, I went to a liquor shop. A woman was sitting in front of the shop. She was wearing dirty clothes and she was smoking. I thought she was homeless but she screamed with unintelligible words. While I was shopping, she had been screaming. Actually, I felt sympathy for her because I also wanted to scream something. For example, “why do you live? What for? I want to kill everyone! Fuck you!” blah blah blah. I’m not joking this is my honest feeling. I had a Mexican dish of an Asada plate. Asada means BBQ. It was chewy beef but not-so-bad. I spent only $7 on it.

The original text before the correction

Insane Woman After work, I went to a liqor shop. A woman sitted on the front of the shop. She has dirty wear and she was smoking. I thought she was homeless but she screamed with un-understandable words. During I was shopping, she had been screaming. Actually, I felt sympathy with her because I also want to scream something. For example "why do you live? What for? I want to kill everyone! Fuck you!" blah-blah-blah. It's not joking this is my honest feeling. I had Mexican-dish of Asada-plate. Asada means BBQ. It was chewy-beef-but-not-so-bad. I spent only $7 on it.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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