Dinner sandwich on the wooden table

Heavy Body

When I woke up, I felt extremely sluggish. I wondered about that due to my new art activity because I drank moderately the previous night. I did laundry and threw away the garbage. When I went downstairs, I met Jan and we just said Goedemiddag(Hello in Dutch). I gave an online lesson. I instructed her as best as I could. After that, I drew drafts for 3 canvas paintings by using a projector then I painted for a while. I started dinner before 6pm. I prepared sandwiches and cooked sauteed veggies. I was feeling low in energy so I went to bed around 8pm. I fell asleep at once.

The original text before the correction

Heavy Body When I woke up, I felt extremely sluggish. I wondered that due to my new art activity because I drunk moderately in the previous night. I did laundry and threw away the garbages. When I go to downstairs, I met Jan and we just said Goedemiddag(Hello in Dutch). I gave an online lesson. I instruct her as hard as I can. After that, I drew drafts for 3 paintings of canvases by using a projector then I painted for a while. I started dinner before 6pm. I prepared sandwiched and cooked sauteed veggies. I was feeling low in energy so I went to bed around 8pm. I could get to sleep at once.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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