Good Business Talk

I had 2 Zoom meetings. One of them was with a big company. I made a good impression and then he will give an order sooner or later. I got another stable contract from a company which is located in Singapore. My company finance situation is clearly better than the bad previous month. No one knows what will happen in the next minute. I conducted a trouble shooting about Jotform. Every engineer thought it should be JS issue but it was simply CSS’s one. I was able to solve it! I went to the bar Stiefel. I had two glasses of beer. They gave me a piece of cheese and sausage. The bill came less than 10EUR. I had discounted packed Asian food and veggy soup for dinner. I fell asleep after 9pm because I had a meeting at 7:30am.

The original text before the correction

Good Business Talk I had 2 zoom meetings. One of them was a big company. I made a good mood and then he will give an order sooner or later. I got another stable contract from a company which located in Singapore. My company finance situation has clearly better than the bad previous month. No one know what happen in next minute. I conducted a trouble shooting about Jotform. Every engineer thought it should be JS issue but it was just CSS's one. I was able to solve it! I went to the bar Stiefel. I had two glasses of beer. They gave me a piece of cheese and sausage. The bill came less than 10EUR. I had discounted packed Asian food and veggy soup for dinner. I fell asleep after 9pm because I had a meeting at 7:30am.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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