Going to the Next House
I woke up at 6am and I was in good shape. However, I couldn’t proceed with my jobs very much. In the afternoon, I went out to a supermarket. I dropped by the next house who received my package by Amazon. Actually, I was astonished deliverers leave personal packages to a stranger in the Netherlands. Having said that, I had a chat with people living in the next house before. In the end, she passed my package to my landlord. It seems my another package is in the other house. For a couple of days, the weather has been stable. I had pork steak for dinner. I fell asleep before 10pm.
The original text before the correction
- Going to the Next House I woke up at 6am and my condition was good. However, I couldn't proceed with my jobs very much. In the afternoon, I went out to a supermarket. I dropped by at the next house who received my package by Amazon. Actually, I astonished deliverers deposit private packages to a stranger in the Netherlands. Having said that, I had chatting with the next house living people before. In the end, she passed my package to my landlord. It seems, my another package is in the other house. The couple of days, the weather is stable. I had pork steak for dinner. I fell asleep before 10pm.

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.