an elder couple holding in the Leiden

Going to Leiden

I went out to a short trip for Leiden with Eri, Jan, and Janin at 11am. Janin drove her own Toyota car. We arrived there after about an hour. It was really chilly day. We visited a rijksmuseum. We learned the history of anatomy. After viewing this, we had a break. I had a hot milk. We visited a market then Jan treated us to Kibbeling and Janin treated us to two types of cheese. One of the markets distributed unsold vegetables for free. That was lucky. We got on the way home after 5pm. Jan and Janin sang a song in the car. I cooked veggie soup, salad, and so. We fell asleep before midnight.

The original text before the correction

Going to Leiden I went out to a short trip for Leiden with Eri, Jan, and Janin at 11am. Janin drove a their own Toyota car. We arrived there about an hour. It was really chilly day. We visited a rijksmuseum. We learned a history of anatomy. After viewing, we had some break. I had a hot milk. We visited a market then Jan treated us Kibbeling and Janin treated us two types of cheese. One of the markets distributed unsold vegetables for free. It was lucky. We got on the way home after 5pm. Jan and Janin sang a song in the car. I cooked veggie soup, salad, or so. We fell asleep before midnight.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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