Japanese bento at hotel

Going to Jizo-no-Yu

I did some freelance work at a hotel as usual until 5 p.m. then I went to a public onsen. It was extremely hot but I was able to enjoy it. A middle-aged man who lives in the next town told me this was a normal temperature in Kusatsu. I met Eri in front of there. After that, we dropped off at a convenience store. We came back to the hotel and we had bento and instant noodles. It was quite a miserable dinner time but I didn’t care about it. We slept before 10 p.m.

The original text before the correction

Going to Jizo-no-Yu I did a freelance work at hotel as usual until 5 p.m. then I went to a public onsen. It was extremely hot but I was able to enjoy it. A middle aged man who lives in next town was told me this is a normal temperature in Kusatsu. I met Eri at front of there. After that, we dropped off a convenience store. We were coming back to hotel and we had bento and an instant noodles. It was quite miserable dinner time but I didn't care about it. We slept before 10 p.m.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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