Go To The Dentist

I went to the dentist to have my teeth scanned for a braces fitting. It was the third time I had done this. My teeth alignment is still not good. The dentist’s location had changed, so I had to go there by bus. It was an extremely chilly day. I am used to Vietnam’s warm weather; therefore, it was a difficult situation for me. The scanning was finished in less than 15 minutes. I then moved to Alkmaar station and visited a cafe. I read a book for two hours. After that, I went to withdraw some cash for rent. I stopped by an art supply shop and bought three canvases (50 cm x 50 cm) for a group exhibition. Later, I visited a bar located near the station. I had four kinds of beer, which were very tasty. I returned to my hometown, Castricum, and went to a Thai food shop. I bought four kinds of dishes with rice for takeaway, which cost about 12 EUR. I thought I had a bottle of white wine in my room, but it turned out to be just water. I cannot remember why I filled the bottle with water four months ago. I ate too much and fell asleep around 9 pm.

The original text before the correction

Go To The Dentist I went to the dentist to do scanning my teeth alignment for brace. It would be the third time to do that. My teeth alignment is not good yet. The dentist location has been changed so I had to go there by bus. It was extreamly chilly day. I used to Vietnam's warm wheather, therefore; it was hard situation to me. Scanning was finished less than 15 minutes. I moved to Alkmaar station and then I visited a cafe. I read a book for two hours. I went to withdraw some cash for rent. I stopped by an art material shop. I bought three canvases (50 cm x 50 cm) for a group exhibition. I visited a bar which located near from the station. I had four kind of beer. Those were tasty. I returend my home town Castricum then I went to Thai food shop. I bought four kind of dishes with rice for take away. It was about 12 EUR. I thought that I have stock a bottle of white wine in my room but it was just a water inside. I can not remember why I filled the bottle with water four months ago. I ate too much. I fell asleep around 9 pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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