Go To a Dentist for Nerve Treatment

I got a message of apologies from an editor who has not replied for almost half a year. I visited Alkmaar by train at 2pm. I met a dentist who seemed to be in his 60’s. He was a really nice Dutch man. I had a tooth problem of nerve. He recommended to have it pulled out and get an implant but I chose nerve treatment. It will be 1600EUR. I went to the bar which is located in a riverside area. I had 3 glasses of beer and fries. I came back home before 7pm. Jan talked to me and told me that he has a friend who is an art director. He gave me her business card. I immediately contacted her. It may be a big chance! I had grilled mackerel, tomato vegetable curry, and oatmeal for dinner. I fell asleep around 9pm.

The original text before the correction

Go To a Dentist for Nerve Treatment I got a message of apologies from an editor who has not been reply for almost half a year. I visited Alkmaar by train at 2pm. I met a dentist who seemed 60's. He was really nice Dutch man. I had a tooth problem of nerve. He recommended pull it and do implant but I chose nerve treatment. It will be 1600EUR. I went to the bar which located river side. I had 3 glasses of beer and fries. I came back home before 7pm. Jan talked to me that he has a friend who is an art director. He gave me her business card. I immediately contacted to her. It may be a big chance! I had grilled mackerel, tomato vegetable curry, and oatmeal for dinner. I fell asleep around 9pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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