Getting Sick

I felt a sore throat. I checked my body temperature, and it was 37.5°C. I felt dull, but I did all of my daily routine. In the afternoon, Janine called me from downstairs. She told me about a Dutch language class that is being held by the local government. I called Amazon Japan because they had frozen my account due to suspicious unauthorized access. While talking to a customer support staff member, Jan called me. I said I could not respond at the moment. He seemed to be installing a metal hanging bar in my room. I had spaghetti soup for dinner, but it was quite a small portion. I went to bed around 7 pm. and fell asleep before 9 pm., but I woke up before 11 pm. I took some medicine and tried to sleep again.

The original text before the correction

Getting Sick I felt a sore throat. I checked my body temperature and it was 37.5 C. I was dull but I did all of daily routine. In the afternoon, Janine called me from down stirs. She told me a Dutch language class which is holding by a local government. I called Amazon Japan because they frozen my account due to suspicious unauthorized access to my account. While talking to a customer support staff member, Jan called me. I said I can not respond for now. He seemed to install a metal hanging bar in my room. I had spaghetti soup for dinner but it was quite small. I went to bed around 7pm then fell asleep before 9pm but I woke up before 11pm. I got a medicine and I tried to sleep again.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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