New white asics shoes on the floor at the hotel in Japan

Getting New Shoes

I bought new shoes because the shoes I wore to travel back from LA got damaged. I chose a cheap one on Amazon. I asked to send it to the hotel where I stayed. I had a zoom meeting with a potential business partner. We had a useful discussion. BTW, I got approval for the estimate that I prepared. It made me excited so I drank too much alcohol. I had yakitori and sushi for dinner. It was really tasty and affordable. I was able to confirm Japanese food is the best in the world.

The original text before the correction

Getting a New Shoes I bought a shoes because the shoes that I had from LA was broken. I chose a cheap one on Amazon. I asked to send it to the hotel where I've stayed. I had a zoom meeting with a candidate who would be a business partner. We had a useful discussion. BTW, I got an approval for the estimate that I prepared. It made me excited so I drunk alcohole too much. I had yakitori-and-sushi for dinner. It was really tasty and affordable. I was able to confirm Japanese food is the best in the world.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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