Getting My Hair Cut
I got out of my bed around noon. It was a heavy rain day. I went to get a ten dollar haircut. After that, I was going to visit a standing bar but because I got my hair cut, there were a lot of hair clippings stuck to me so I just bought dishes for dinner. They were all 50% discounted. I had them with my parents. I talked a lot with my dad after a long time. He told me he has 2M yen unrealized loss by an individual stock. He has good knowledge though. On the other hand, my mom has unrealized gain by index stocks. I watched a funny entertainment show. I fell asleep around 11pm.
The original text before the correction
- Getting My Hair Cut I got out of my bed around noon. It was a heavy rain day. I went to a ten dollar haircut. Following that, I was going to visit a standing bar but after getting my haircut, there were a lot of hair clippings stuck to me so I just bought dishes for dinner. Those are all 50% discounted. I had them with my parents. I talked a lot with my dad after a long time. He told me he has 2M yen unrealized loss by an individual stock. He has a knowledge though. On the other hand, my mom has unrealized gain by index stocks. I watched a funny entertainment show. I fell asleep around 11pm.

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.