Getting A Work
I got a mail from a friend who I haven’t met for several years. We talked on Skype. He lives in Mie and he is doing freelance work. He has a lot of tasks, so he wants me to help him do some tasks. I really appreciate him giving me work. I could establish my company sooner than I expected. I had Chinese dishes like spring roll, fried shrimp, stirred liver and chive, etc. I drunk too much again. I didn’t get hangovers in the US but in Japan, I can drink until I get a hangover.
The original text before the correction
- Getting A Work I got a mail from a friend who haven't met for several years. We had talk through Skype. He lives in Mie and he is running freelance work. He has a lot of tasks, so he want to order some tasks to me. I really appreciate to give me a work. I would establish my company sooner than I expected. I had Chiense dishes like spring-roll, fried-shrimp, stired laver and chive etc. I drunk too much again and again. I didn't hangover in the US but in Japan, I am able to drink until I reach hangover.

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.