Fire Extinguisher in Torrance California house

Getting a Ticket

I’ve reserved an airplane ticket that I go back to Japan. It was $436. I was going to take October 1st flight but the ticket price for that day was $100 higher than the September 30th ticket. Therefore, I’ve got the latter one. I’ve applied day off to my company for it but the day will be the last day to work at my current company. I had Acapulco Chicken for dinner. I didn’t know what kind of dish is it so I searched. The dish that was delivered was quite different from Google search. It seems like Christmas chicken but delicious. I went to bed before 10 p.m.

The original text before the correction

Getting a Ticket I've reserved an airplane ticket that I go back to Japan. It was $436. I was going to take Octover 1st fright but the day of ticket was $100 higher than September 30th ticket. Therefore, I've got latter one. I've applied day off to my company for it but the day will be the last day to work at the current company. I had Acapulco Chicken for dinner. I didn't know what kind of dish is it so I searched. The dish that delivered was quite different from google-search. It seems christmas chicken but delicious. I went to bed before 10 p.m.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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