Getting a New Contract
I worked seriously. I decided to use a job matching service. It would need to pay up to 50,000JPY per month. I got a contract for a big stable job. I hope they will be our loyal client. I visited the bar Johnny. I had two glasses of beer. To be honest, I feel beer less tasty than before. I might have a disease or something but I don’t care because I don’t have any family to feed. I can die whenever. Johnny asked me, “How is your girlfriend?” I had to say I don’t know because we have had no talks and no messages since she left. He said, “She is perfect. I miss her”. I had no words. I had leftover Thai dishes and stirred veggies for dinner. I dropped asleep just after 8pm.
The original text before the correction
- Getting a New Contract I worked seriously. I decided to use a job matching service. It would need to pay up to 50,000JPY per month. I got a contract for a big stable job. I hope they would be a loyal client. I visited the bar Johnny. I had two glasses of beer. To be honest, I can't feel tasty for beer than before. If I would have disease or something but I don't care because I don't have any family to feed. I can die whenever. Johnny asked me "How is your girl friend?" I had to say I don't know because we have no talks and no messages ever. He said "She is perfect. I miss her". I had no words. I had leftover Thai dishes and stirred veggies for dinner. I dropped asleep just after 8pm.
Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.