The long week has come to an end. I don’t want next week to ever come. I skipped both breakfast and lunch. I had a heavy stomach. I made a hand-held board for an art performance in Amsterdam taking place next weekend. While I was making it, I felt uplifted by my motivation for art. I gave an online lesson but I couldn’t teach well, so I prepared a sample website for the student after the lesson. I had leftover simmered chicken leg, spaghetti, and bread for dinner. I watched US animation via Netflix again and again. After everyone fell asleep, I continued painting my hand-held board for a while. I fell asleep after midnight.
The original text before the correction
- The Friday The long week has been ended. I wish the next week never to come. I skipped both breakfast and lunch. I felt heavy stomach. I made hand-held board for art performance in Amsterdam in the next weekend. During I was making it, I felt uplifted my motivation for art. I gave an online lesson but I couldn't teach well, therefore; I prepared a sample website for the student after the lesson. I had leftover simmered chicken leg, spaghetti, bread for dinner. I watched US animation via Netflix again and again. After everyone is asleep, I continued painting hand-held board for a while. I fell asleep after midnight.

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.