linzen soup in the cafe beverwrik

Finding 600EUR

I argued with Eri again and again, so I went out to Beverwijk to get something at around 1pm. I visited a cafe, Meijershof. I had a bottled beer and Linsen soup. It was quite good. The bill was around 12EUR. After I came back home, I cooked a bento box for my artwork. It consists of rice, meat, fish, and veggies. I cooked rice with pan but it was terribly dry. I gave it to Eri. When I organized my documents, I found my official visa document for the Netherlands in an envelope. I found 600EUR cash inside that I’d completely forgotten about. It was the best Christmas gift! I watched M-1 2019 during having dinner. It was fun. I fell asleep around 11pm.

The original text before the correction

Founding 600EUR I argued with Eri again and again so I went out to Beverwijk to get something at around 1pm. I visited a cafe Meijershof. I had a bottled beer and Linsen soup. It was quite good. The bill was around 12EUR. After came back home, I cooked a bento box as my art works. It consists rice, meat, fish, and veggies. I cooked rice with pan but it was being terribly dry. I gave it to Eri. When I organized documents, I found my official document of visa in the Netherlands with an envelope. The inside was in 600EUR cash which I was completely forgot money. It was the best Christmas gift! I watched M-1 2019 during having dinner. It was fun. I fell asleep around 11pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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