Police and suspect running on the railway

Encounter Arrested Scene

I got an urgent request from a client. It was related with applying for government grants. I cleared it up at once. I painted for a while then I gave an online lesson at 2:30pm. After that, I did some tasks. After 5pm, I visited a bar Johnny. I had 2 glasses of beer. The charge was less than 10 EUR. I stopped by a store and I prepared sandwiches for dinner. I didn’t feel good so I went to Beverwijk to get something. That was located in a place 3 stops away from my nearest station. There was a music event near the station. My things to do ended in less than 10 min and I came back to the station platform. Suddenly, A man who was laughing is coming and then policemen chased him. The man was running and trying to escape. He went into the train tracks. Police men spread tear gas water to him. He was running in the green field. Finally, he was arrested. He was brought to the platform by 2 policemen. His face was bloody. Before long, a rescue team was coming. There were 12 people. I don’t know what he did. Is he drug addiction? The accident affected the train timetable. A train comes every 30 minutes but I had to wait for over an hour. I came back home around 10pm. I continued dinner. I fell asleep after midnight.

The original text before the correction

Encounter Arrested Scene I got an urgent request from a client. It was related with applying for government grants. I cleared up it at once. I painted for a while then I gave an online lesson at 2:30pm. After that, I did some tasks. After 5pm, I visited a bar Johnny. I had 2glass of beer. The cost was less than 10 EUR. I stopped a store and I prepared sandwich for dinner. I didn"t feel good so I went to Beverwijk to get something. That located is in 3 stops of the station from my nearest station. There was a music event at near the station. My things to do was ended less than 10min and came back the station platform. Suddenly, A man who is laughing is coming and then police men chased him. The man was running and trying to escape. He went into the train tracks. Police men spread tear gas water to him. He was running in the green field. Finally, he arrested. He brought to the platform by 2 police men. His face was bloody. Before long, rescue team was coming. There were 12 people. I don't know what he did. Is he drug addiction? The accident affected for train timetable. A train comes per 30 minutes but I had to wait for over an hour. I came back home around 10pm. I continued dinner. I fell asleep after midnight.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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