A package, bag on the floor, the view of after exhibition


I went to the venue of the exhibition after 1pm. I met some old friends. I felt they are very conscientious people. A person said, “I am glad to see your face after a long time”. At 5pm, I took down the artworks. In the end, I couldn’t sell at all. After that, I went to a bar with an old friend and her brother. Around 7pm, we moved to another bar then I complained about the representative of the exhibition. When I left to the restroom, I went white realising the man was seated at the next table. Oh my God! I tried to pretend wasted but I couldn’t enjoy anymore. We left there at 10:30pm and I came back the hotel. I ate an instant noodle and packed sushi. I fell asleep at once.

The original text before the correction

Encounter I went to venue of the exhibition after 1pm. I met some old friends. I felt they are very conscientious people. A person said "I am glad to see your face after a long time". At 5pm, I tookdown the artworks. In the end, I didn't sell at all. After that, I went to a bar with an old friend and her brother. Around 7pm, we moved to another bar then I talked complain about the representative of the exhibition. When I left to a restroom, I went white realising the man seated on the next table. Oh my God! I tried to pretend wasted but I couldn't enjoy anymore. We left there at 10:30pm and I came back the hotel. I ate an instant noodle and packed sushi. I fell asleep at once.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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