Drinking With The Elderly

I worked a bit, it was all remaining business for closing my company. In the afternoon, I went to a DIY store called Jundendo. I didn’t know that its the first company as a DIY store in Japan. I found a nice pair of cargo pants. I stopped by a supermarket, too. I found that Japanese foodstuff is still cheap even in an inflation term. I had dinner with my dad. Past 10pm, when I was going to sleep, my mom brought their friends. She called me to join their conversation. They are all over 70. The eldest man is about 90. It was an interesting time. In the end, I drifted off to sleep after 2am.

The original text before the correction

Drinking With The Elderly I worked a bit, it was all remaining business for closing my company. In the after noon, I went to DIY store called Jundendo. I didn't know that its the first company as a DIY store in Japan. I found a nice cargo pants. I stopped by a supermarket, too. I found that Japanese products are still cheap even in an inflation term. I had dinner with my dad. Past 10pm, when I was going to sleep, my mom brought their friends. She called me join their conversation. THey are all over 70. The eldest man is about 90. It was interesting time. In the end, I fell asleep after 2am.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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