Colorful paintings on the sofa

Drinking Together

I read few pages of about 10 books. I almost finished 4 paintings. I spent about 3 hours on it. Before 7pm I went out with a lot of plastic bottles to recycle. I visited a bar, My Way. I met a black man who I met before. He invited me drinking together. A Caucasian lady was seated next to him. They met 16 years ago and they have 2 children but they are going to marry next Wednesday. They left soon but I drank with another men. We talked about the assassination of Japan’s former prime minister etc. I had 4 or 5 glasses of beer. I came back home before 10pm. I boiled a corn. I had spaghetti, leftover half of a croissant. I fell asleep at midnight.

The original text before the correction

Drinking Together I read several pages for over 10 books. I almost finished 4 paintings. I spent it over 3 hours. Before 7pm I went out with a lot of plastic bottles to throw away. I visited a bar, My Way. I met a black man who met before. He invited me drinking together. A caucasian seated on next to him. They met 16 years ago and they have 2 children but they are going to marry next Wednesday. It was complicated. They left soon but I drink another men. We talked about assassination for our former prime mister etc. I had 4 or 5 glasses beer. I came back home before 10pm. I boiled a corn. I had spaghetti, leftover half of croissant for dinner. I fell asleep at midnight.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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