Bread, packed Indonesian food, a bottle of white wine on the table in the Netherlands

Doesn’t Enter The Bar

I woke up just after 8am. I had yogurt for breakfast and worked till 3pm on the bed. I wanted to visit my new room bringing my things but it should take 2 hours for a round trip so I gave up. I went out to have lunch and dinner. I chose the bar where I visited the day before yesterday; however, the owner was different from that day and he demanded me to show a vaccination QR code but I didn’t have it. I got bread, white wine and Indonesian food to go instead. Around 5pm, I had them at the hotel’s dining room. I could see a canal from my seat. I spent 2 hours there. I fell asleep around 7pm but I woke up just after 10pm then I dived in the dream again after midnight.

The original text before the correction

Doesn't Enter The Bar I woke up just after 8am. I had yogult for breakfast and worked till 3pm on the bed. I wanted to visit my new room bringing my things but it should take 2 hours for round trip so I gave up. I went out to have lunch and dinner. I chose the bar where I visited the day before yesterday; however, the owner was different from that day and he asked me to show a vaccinated QR code but I didn't have it. I got bread, wine and Indonesian food for to go instead. Around 5pm, I had them at the hotel's dining room. I could see a canal from my seat. I spent for 2 hours there. I fell asleep at 7pm but I woke up at 10pm then I dived in the dream again after midnight.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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