10 variety of Sushi and salad plate on the table at Japanese family's house

Discounted Sushi

It was a cloudy day and not so hot. I woke up around 7 am. I got an idea for my blog; therefore, I wrote a blog post all at once. I had eggs and a tiny piece of tempura on boiled rice with dashi soup for breakfast. I worked till I started my online lesson. Afterwards, I felt dull, so I took a short nap. At 3 pm, I gave a web design lesson to a student for an hour. After that, I went downstairs. A new refrigerator has been delivered. My mom looked happy. I went out to jog. I stopped by a store and bought a pack of 30 pieces of sushi. It was 1,980 yen with a 20% discount. I went to bed after 8 pm.

The original text before the correction

Discounted Sushi It was a cloudy day and not so hot. I woke up around 7am. I got an idea for a blog; therefore, I wrote an article all at once. I had egg and tiny piece of tempura on boiled rice with dashi soup for breakfast. I worked till start an online lesson but I was dull so I took a nap for a short time. At 3pm, I gave a web design lesson to a student for an hour. After that, I went down stair, the new refrigerator has been installed. My mom looked happy. I went out to jog. I stopped by a store and bought packed 30 pieces sushi. It was 1980 yen with 20% discount. I went to bed after 8pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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