Disappointed at a Japanese Restaurant

The super busy week finally ended! Lots of crazy things occurred. One of the outsourcing partners asked me to reduce her duties. My expectations for her were too high. I think that artists, including me, are not appropriate for business in the first place. I have to find a new good person. At 4pm, I went to Sakura Japanese restaurant because I enjoyed myself very much last month, but the system was changed. I had to order thorough my mobile phone. I don’t want to use digital gadgets during dinner time. And the taste was not as good as before. Also, I realized I don’t like the all-you-can-eat system. That’s a lot of pressure for me. The cost was around 50EUR. I will never go there again. I filled the bath with hot water because the landlord couple went on a trip. It was the first time in a year that I soaked in a warm bath. It was a nice time. I fell asleep before 8pm.

The original text before the correction

Disappointed at a Japanese Restaurant The super busy week ended finally! There were lot of crazy happening occurred. One of the outsource partners asked me to reduce her duties. I got my hopes too high. I think that artists are not appropriate for business in the first place including me. I have to find new good person. At 4pm, I went to the Sakura Japanese restaurant because I enjoyed very much last month but the system was changed. I had to order thorough my mobile phone. I don't want to use digital gadget during dinner time. And taste was not good than before. And, I realised I don't like all you can eat system. That's a big pressure for me. The cost was around 50EUR. I never go there anymore. I filled the bath with hot water because the landlords couple went to a trip. It was the first time since a year to soak the warm bath. It was a nice time. I fell asleep before 8pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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