dirty table after dinner

Didn’t Go Out

I stayed at home for an entire day. In my company, one of the jobs’ situation is getting worse day by day. It must be a deficit so I have a headache. I worked until around 3pm then I started dinner. I was still irritated due to the previous night’s quarrel so I didn’t want to talk about anything. I had leftover curry sauce with a potato, quiche, grilled chicken, spaghetti and so forth. In the evening, I watched Tora-san via Netflix. Before we fell asleep, we had argued repeatedly. It made me really exhausted. I believe that a single life is more calm and peaceful. I fell asleep around 10pm.

The original text before the correction

Didn't Go Out I stayed at home for a whole day. In my company, one of the jobs' situation is worse day by day. It must be deficit so I have a headache. I worked until around 3pm then I started dinner. I was still irritated due to the previous night's quarrel so I didn't want to talk anything. I had leftover curry sauce with a potato, quiche, grilled chicken, spaghetti and so forth. In the evening, I watched Tora-san via Netflix. Before we fell asleep, We had quarrels again and again. It made me really exhausted. I believe that a single life is more calm and peace. I fell asleep around 10pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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