sunset seaside in the netherlands

Decorate For Christmas

I had two meetings. I got a new job but they have requested to make design to examine the quality of our work. I hope that my company’s designer could meet their selection criteria. After 3pm, I went out to a seaside cafe with Eri by bicycle. The ground was fully covered with frost. It was crazy cold and my fingers were frozen literally. We had beer and fries at the cafe. The cost was about 22EUR. Inside the cafe, we met a Dutch woman who has visited Japan 3 times. She is a photographer. We exchanged our contact information. We left there just after 5pm but it was already dark. The way home was really scary so we screamed ridiculous words. We stopped by a supermarket then got foods. I had herring, rolled sushi, young onion shoots, and leftover pork hamburgers. After dinner, we joined the host family, who was decorating for the Christmas season. We did a game of dice and kind of cards. It was a minor Dutch game but we laughed a lot. We also did Rhythm Game like clap our hands or something. Those were completely wholesome games. What a healthy night it was! It made me tired. After that, Eri decorated lights on our room’s windows. I fell asleep around midnight.

The original text before the correction

Decorate For Christmas I had two meetings. I got a new job but they have requested to make design as a testing our quality. I hope that my company's designer could pass their selection criteria. After 3pm, I went out to a seaside cafe with Eri by bicycles. The ground was full of frost. It was crazy cold and my fingers were frozen literally. We had beer and fries at the cafe. The cost was about 22EUR. Inside the cafe, we met a Dutch woman who has visited Japan 3 times. She is a photographer. We exchanged a contact information each other. We left there just after 5pm but it was already dark. The way home was really scared so we screamed ridiculous words. We stopped by a supermarket then get foods. I had Harring, rolled sushi, young onion shoots, and leftover pork hamburgers. After dinner, we joined the host family who decorating for Christmas season. We did a game of dice and kind of cards. It was minor Dutch game but we laughed a lot. We also did Rhythm Game like clap our hands or something. Those were completely wholesome game. What's a healthy night! It made me tired. After that, Eri decorated lights on our room's windows. I fell asleep around midnight.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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